U.S. Marine Corps Recruit training units Guidon

USMC Recruit training Units

The�Marine organization guidon is always rectangular, a guidon shall be made of red wool bunting upon which insignia, letters. and numbers, as required, of gold wool bunting shall be sewn on each side. This guidon shall measure 1.83 feet on the hoist and 2.33 feet on the fly. A Marine Corps Recruit training units do not have any branch of service indication on their guidons; boot camp platoon guidons only display the platoon number (such as "3081") in yellow/gold against a red background. Lettering and numerals appear on both sides of the guidon, reading from left to right on both sides.


From $225.00
Price may vary depending on option selection

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Starting price includes up to 5 characters. Extra character cost $5 each

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